Patch of the day is sponsored by Ransomes Turf
Patch of the day is sponsored by Ditton Services

Patch of the day is back for it's 5th year!
The first draw will take place 8pm Monday, 8th April 2024
Each week on X / Twitter, Jimmy the Mower runs a competition called 'Patch of the day'. To enter you simply need to tweet a photograph of your freshly mown grass at home or work along with the hashtag #patchoftheday while tagging in @mowermanjimmy and one entry will be chosen at random at approximately 8pm each Monday. The winner will receive a hat and stickers (or similar prize)
The current sponsors of #patchoftheday are
Ransomes Turf and Ditton Services
Who can enter? - anyone can enter #patchoftheday, the turf community welcomes all!
What can I enter? - we have had residential gardens entered, open public spaces, council pitches, local cricket clubs, golf courses, public schools, premier league football pitches - if it's grass and you've cut it, you can enter it.
How many times can I enter? - You can enter Patch of the day as often as you cut grass, whether that's once a week or every day.
I have previously won, can I enter? - Yes of course, please continue to enter #patchoftheday and be part of the patch of the day community. Winners are chosen at random so you do have a chance of winning again too.
What happens if I post my entry after 8pm on Monday? - It will be included in the #patchoftheday draw the following week.
Did you see my photo? Please make sure your X / twitter post includes both your photo AND the hashtag #patchoftheday to make sure your entry is counted in the patch of the day draw.
Terms and conditions
The #patchoftheday contest is open to everyone aged 18+
Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged
Prizes can and may be substituted
By submitting your photograph with the hashtag #patchoftheday Jimmy the Mower and the sponsors of the competition may share your post and photo across other social media platforms and websites unless you ask us not to.